OCD Therapy | Babylon, NY
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD involves having obsessive thinking patterns that can include unwanted thoughts, images or urges that make a person feel anxious, distressed or panicked.
Do you feel like you're constantly battling intrusive thoughts that you can’t control? Do certain thoughts or actions keep you from living the life you want with your family or friends? Are you worried that you will lose control of your own behaviors?
Dealing with OCD involves more than just facing a few unwanted thoughts or compulsive behaviors; it's about learning to cope with distressing patterns that affect your daily life. With OCD therapy, you’ll learn how to tolerate the discomfort of your distressing thoughts or behaviors, which will in turn make them have less power in your life.
Individuals who have OCD often have significant difficulty pushing away or ignoring these thoughts. Those with OCD also have compulsive behaviors which are an attempt to reverse the obsessive thoughts or urges by performing some sort of reaction.
Common signs of OCD are:
Intrusive thoughts
Constant checking or counting
The repeated cleaning of one or more items
Fear of contamination
Thoughts that you might be harmed
Thoughts that you might cause others harm
How We Help: ERP for OCD
Our team is equipped with the skills and experience to effectively treat OCD as well as unwanted behaviors, such as hair pulling and counting.
Our therapist utilizes Exposure and Response Therapy (ERP). ERP does is designed to help those with OCD face their fears in a gradual way, contained in a safe environment. The goal is to tolerate more and more discomfort without acting on compulsions that usually show up to try to aid the discomfort.
We help you develop strategies to confront intrusive thoughts and compulsions, so that you can live a more satisfying life.
Reach Out Today for Symptom Relief
We have therapist on our team that specialize in helping people navigate their OCD. Together we will create a strategy that works specifically for you. We provide online OCD therapy and ERP therapy for OCD. Contact us today for a free consultation.