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72 E Main St. Babylon, NY | 631-546-5547

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How to "Enjoy the Simple Things"

Enjoy the simple things. Everywhere we turn we are met with clichés and pinterest boards telling us to slow down and savor the moment. But what does it mean, and more than that how do we achieve it?

What is Savoring?

Savoring is deliberately taking extra time to appreciate and relish positive or calming moments you’re experiencing. It involves being present and consciously appreciating the enjoyable aspects of life. This practice encourages you to slow down and reflect by focusing on the sensory details, emotions, and thoughts associated with these moments.

It is not about maintaining a facade of constant positivity but rather about enhancing your awareness and appreciation for the genuine happy moments that arise. This technique can help reduce stress and negativity. Focusing on positive experiences and being appreciative can significantly alleviate stress by shifting attention away from stressors and promoting emotional well-being. 

This practice, known as savoring, helps activate the brain’s reward system, which releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, contributing to enhanced mood and reduced feelings of anxiety. It’s a mindful practice that helps to reinforce the good in your life and cultivate a more optimistic outlook.

 How to Savor the Little Things

Enjoying a Meal: When eating a meal, pay attention to the textures, flavors, and aromas of your food. Eat slowly and mindfully, appreciating the nourishment and effort that went into preparing the meal. This practice can transform a routine activity into a pleasurable experience.

Appreciating Nature: During a walk, observe the beauty around you. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature, such as the chirping of birds or the scent of the outdoors. Allow yourself to fully engage with these sensations and enjoy the calming effect of nature.

Reflecting on a Meaningful Conversation: Perhaps you just had a meaningful conversation with a friend. Journal how you felt during this time and any takeaways. Focus on the connection and interactions such as laughter and shared stories. This can help you appreciate the relationships you have with others.

Investing in and Building Optimism

Savoring positive experiences helps in building optimism. By actively focusing on these moments, you train your mind to recognize and appreciate the good aspects of life. This shift in attention helps counterbalance negative thoughts and reinforces a more positive outlook. 

When you consistently engage in savoring, you create a mental habit of looking for and valuing positive experiences. 

Additionally, savoring helps to build a positive emotional reserve that can buffer against future stress and negativity. Over time, this accumulation of positive experiences enhances your ability to maintain a hopeful perspective, even in challenging times.